What is it?
Heartbreak Podcast is a series of audio episodes made specifically for anyone dealing with the pain of heartbreak from a broken relationship. It was created by a man who experienced the deep pain of heartbreak for almost a full year. During that time, he searched for something—anything—to help him through the hurt. He tried everything from hypnotherapy to "how to win your ex back" books to meditation and therapy. In the end, he did survive the heartache, though it was the most difficult time in his life. Having seen first-hand the need for something to help coach and encourage people dealing with heartbreak, he created this podcast. Heartbreak Podcast is a free, anonymous project aimed at helping anyone who needs it. If you've been helped by this project, you can donate here.
Heartbreak is really a measure of our capacity to care and love.
The Podcast
Heartbreak Podcast includes 20 episodes, each designed to help you navigate the difficulties of heartache. The recommended use is to listen to one every morning when you awake, then another one before you go to sleep at night. If used this way, the series will take 10 days to listen to. After that you're encouraged to start over and repeat. From personal experience, you should be able to feel considerably better after three rounds.
You can find the podcast on Apple Podcasts, YouTube Music, or here on this site. Getting the files is the first step. Save them to your phone or computer, a place where you can access them every day. Mark your calendar so you'll know what days you'll be listening to which episodes.
Listen to one episode in the morning and one episode at night, each day for 10 days. Find a quiet, safe space to listen where you won't be distracted. We recommend listening through headphones for a more personal experience.
Have a notebook or pad of post-it notes handy! Write down ideas and thoughts as you listen. Don't be afraid to pause the podcast to write something down. Follow through on homework and suggested actions after each episode.
It's recommended that you do three rounds of the series. In total, this will take 30 days. Save your notes from each round and chart your progress. You can, of course, listen in any order as many times as you want. The suggested structure is just that —a suggestion.
the podcast
Why heartbreak?
Heartbreak is one of the most universal traits human have in common. No one capable of love and empathy is immune from the suffering of heartache.
With our great capacity to feel and emote and connect and love comes risk. A risk that these affections may not be returned. That we might be caught in an unhealthy relationship and have to find a way to stop ourselves from feeling these emotions.
For anyone going through a difficult breakup, Heartbreak Podcast offers help.
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