image from Michael Rosen's SAD BOOK
his name is brandon...
While suffering through severe heartache for most of 2016, Brandon looked for anything he could find to help his heart heal. He found a real absence of accessible options. Needing a project and a cause, Brandon poured himself into creating Heartbreak Podcast.
Launched in Spring 2017, the podcast is a free, self-produced series. Though Brandon borrowed from many great sources (you can find them here), he wrote and recorded each episode alone. Just as heartbreak is a solitary journey, so was the path to Heartbreak Podcast.
Brandon spent countless hours and hundreds of dollars searching for something like this podcast series. That's why it's free; he believes it should be available to anyone who needs it. Donations are optional and can be made here.
Heartbreak Podcast is a labor of love which, in the end, helped Brandon heal his own heart and will hopefully allow others to do the same. He wishes to remain anonymous but you can contact him below.
If Heartbreak Podcast has helped you, please drop Brandon a line. He would love to hear from you.